2. How engagement woks

In terms of engagement there are three types of employees in an organization. Gallup (2016) explains them as;

Engaged employees: In an organization employees that work with passion and feel a profound connection to their work are engaged employees.  These employees are driven with innovation and consistently move the organisation forward.
Disengaged employees: Employees that ‘sleep-walk’ through their work day and who does not have any energy or passion towards their work are ‘checked-out’ employees.
Actively disengaged employees: Employees that can undermine what their engaged colleagues have accomplished are unhappy employees at work: they’re busy acting out their unhappiness.

Employees that ‘go the extra mile’ and deliver above and beyond on their job performance are likely to have a grater employee engagement (Robert, 2006).Currently employers are aware of the significance of having an engaged work-force, innovation, productivity, and bottom-line performance are highly recognized in engaged workforce. While this takes place retention in highly competitive talent markets and reducing costs related to hiring is significant (Harvard Business Review, 2013).

Team MyHub (2016) seven perks of increasing employee engagement and solutions on how to; Enhanced productivity, employee satisfaction, lower employee turnover, high degree of creativity, workplace safety, home and work integration and increased revenue. 
Likewise when inquire the factors influencing employee engagement and how each factor performs Josephine (2013) detail commitment, motivation, loyalty and trust are four important things when we talk about employee engagement and trust. The quality of engagement of an employee determines the level of an employee. Hence it is important to know the correlation between these factors particularly.

Armstrong (2009) explains, with expanded employee engagement an organization could have higher organizational commitment. These employees are excited about their jobs and give their hundred percent and well aware of their organization and are proud to be a part of it.   However; employees could be engaged with employment without a commitment as well. The author explains below combinations of the impact of engagement and organizational commitment.

Figure: 2:0 Combinations of the impact of engagement and organizational commitment

(Source: Armstrong 2009)

Employee commitment should be considered as an essential business factor (Amena & Shahid, 2013). O’Malley (2000) contends five general factors which would enhance employee commitment; affiliative, associative, moral, affective & structural commitment.

Motivated employees are an asset and continuance encouragement is required in order to receive an exceptional outcome. Improving organization operation must be an effort of motivation. These need to be designed effectively to show benefits to the employees. When workers are able to combine their personal ambitions with those of the organization, motivation can be accomplished (Kirti, 2012). Employee motivation is the effect an organization could make for an employee in a way to operate in an organization, it determine the success or failure of the organization. Influencing the behaviours of their employees to behave in certain ways is also important (Dongho, 2006). The author further explains in Figure: 3 two types of rewards; intrinsic (self-satisfaction) – programmes such as employee recognition, involvement, job redesign & scheduling examples a) thank notes b)certificates of appreciation c) participative management, d) quality circles, e) employee stock ownership, f) job sharing, g)  rotation, enlargement & h) enrichment, i) flextime, j) tele-communicating.

Extrinsic (rewards given by others) - programmes such as variable pay, skill-based pay and flexible benefits described by a) price-rate pay plan b) gain sharing & profit sharing c) bonuses d) skill e) competence d) knowledge-based pay e) modular plans f) core-plus plans g) flexible spending plans. 


Amena, S. &  Shahid, M. (2013). Gaining Employee Commitment: Linking to Organizational Effectiveness. Journal of Management Research. Vol 5(1), ISSN 1941-899X. Available at <http://macrothink.org/journal/index.php/jmr/article/viewFile/2319/2551> [Accessed on 16th  November 2018].

Armstrong, M. (2009). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. 11th ed. London, Kogan Page Limited.

Dongho, K (2006). Employee Motivation: “Just Ask Your Employees”. Seoul Journal of Business. Vol 12, pp. 20-34. Available at

Gallup, (2016). Gallup management Journal: Engaged employees inspire company innovation. Available at <http://gmj.gallup.com> . [Accessed on 14th November 2018].

Harvard Business Review (2013).The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance. A report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services.

Josephine, J. (2013). Employee engagement: an approach to organisational excellence. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research.  Vol 9(15), pp.111-117. Available at <indianresearchjournals.com>. [Accessed on 16th November 2018].

O’Malley, M. (2000). Creating commitment. John Wiley & Sons. Chichester.

Robert, V. (2006). Employee Engagement and Commitment A guide to understanding, measuring and increasing engagement in your organization. SHRM Foundation. [Online] Available at < https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/special-reports-and-expert-views/Documents/Employee-Engagement-Commitment.pd > [Accessed on 16th November 2018].

Team MyHub, (2016).7 Undeniable Benefits of Employee Engagement. Employee Benefits and WellnessEmployee Engagement. [Online] Available at < https://www.myhubintranet.com/employee-engagement-benefits/>. [Accessed on 19th November 2018].


  1. An effective engagement always assure a better connectivity between leaders and employees or followers. However, engagement may not successful due to the negative attitudes of individuals towards leaders or vice versa (Sarangi & Nayak, 2016).

    1. Hi Pabath, supportive leaders build a supportive environment that allow employees to try and to fail without fear of the consequences. Leaders who motivate employees create trust through civility, honest communication, and concern towards a healthy workplace (Deskins, 2018).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A highly engaged employee will consistently outperform and set new standards. In the
    workplace research on employee engagement (Harter et al, 2002) have repeatedly asked employees, whether they have the opportunity to do their best every day.

    1. Engagement performance parameters are listed by Kazimoto (2016); Control over the Job, Availability of tools and resources, Recognition for performance, Provision of fair rewards for work, Recognition of ideas and suggestions, Importance to the individual’s needs, employee commitment for his activities, Refer to a friend or colleague, Image of the company in the Industry sector, Image of the company in the community.

  4. Hi Taniya,

    The extent of cognitive, emotional and physical resources used by an employee in performing the responsibilities assigned at work is related to employee engagement (May et al., 2004). Apart from the higher performance, employee engagement relates to increase the return on assets, higher earning per employee, lower absenteeism, decreased costs, reduced turnover, lower cost of goods sold and fewer quality errors (Salanova et al., 2005).

    1. Chandani et al.(2016) employee engagement is based on Health and Safety, Pay and Benefits, Performance Appraisal, Respectful Treatment of Employees, Career Development.

  5. Storey et al. (2018) suggests more focused effort in 3 key areas for managers and leaders in the area of employee engagement. Firstly, Leadership Energy (Energy is defined as the degree to which they are energized or motivated at work). Secondly Role-based performance to define engagement and Thirdly, Engaging low energy employees. They further add engagement programs should start from the top management and they should have time and energy to go “above and beyond “their roles so that an example is set to other employees to follow.

    1. Agree, There are few more drivers’ enables to increase employee engagement like • A culture of respect where good job is appreciated. • Feedback, counseling and mentoring. • Fair reward, recognition and incentive scheme. • Effective leadership. • Clear job expectations. • Adequate tools to perform work responsibilities. • Motivation (Mehta & Mehta, 2013)

  6. According to Crewell (2009), though some researchers believed demographic information has some impact on employee engagement pattern, others are of contrary views. On this premise, the impact of certain key demographic information such as gender, marital status, age, years of working experience, and educational background were examined on effective employee engagement.

    1. According to Hernández, 2017) “Employee’s age is consider as a positive and significant variable that influence engagement and satisfaction through Job Crafting behaviours. Moreover, there is a difference among younger and older employees on the way they approach and craft their jobs as well as a difference on the motivations that lead to the occurrence of Job Crafting behaviours”.

  7. In addition to what you have mentioned above, Autonomy, Variety, Feedback, Fit, Opportunities for development and Reward & recognition are key factors that drives employee engagement (Crawford et al (2013). Though these factors drive engagement, Motivation plays a major role in employee engagement (Comaford, 2018). Engaged employees results in sustainable competitive advantage (Pandey, 2013)

    1. Agree, motivation plays a major role in employee engagement. Motivated employees are more committed, more involved and more engaged in their job. (Shaheen & Farooqi, 2014)

  8. Engaging employees is essential for retaining valuable talent and for employee satisfaction. An employee engagement company, help corporates and other organizations to engage their employees in a fun and innovative manner. These fun ideas also help in the employee's team-building process.


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