1. Introduction

Employee engagement is an important factor of organizations in the twenty first centenary. The aforementioned subject is confabulating among the academic researches and organizations. To begin with, Employee engagement is defined as “the level of an employee’s psychological investment in their organization.” (Aon, 2017,p. 2). Accordingly, the Anon Hewitt Employee Module detail about engagement, business impact of engagement and work related involvement & its element would lead to greater engagement (Aon, 2017,p. 2). According to the model, engagement drives are company practices, basics, work, performance, leadership and the brand. These drives would give outcomes such as say, stay and strive. In fact, business outcomes would be talent; retention, absenteeism, wellness, operational; productivity and safety, customer; satisfaction, NPS, retention and financial; revenue/sales growth, operational income/margin and total shareholder return (Aon, 2017,p. 2).

Figure 1.0: The Aon Hewitt Engagement Model

(Source: Aon Hewitt, 2017)

Furthermore, the phrase ‘engagement’ could be used in a particular employment where the people are passionate, enthusiastic about their employment and have good work practice to achieve higher levels of achievements. (Armstrong, 2010). It is also important to highlight, engagement was defined as the positive attitude of the employee towards the institution and its values. This combine the following facts 1) a positive attitude and pride in the organization, 2) trust in the organization’s products/services, 3) being aware that the organization allows the employee to perform well, 4) a willingness towards good behaviour and to be a good team player, and 5) an understanding of the bigger picture and to go beyond and above job requirements (Robinson, Perryman, & Hayday, 2004).

Also Employee Engagement is with the support of higher management, employees need to engage in devotion, passion and effective leadership skills. In an organization human resources leaders set the motivational drive, creed and spread the positive moral to the employees (Pratima, & Bhagirathi, 2016. Then an engaged employee would be an ambassador whom he or she would give a positive outcome and would be devoted to produce good results in an organization and does not change employment frequently (Priyanka, 2017). In fact, in the present-day to have the work-force engaged, it is important for the leadership to keep a close eye and regularly seek for various techniques (Arti et.al, 2016).

Aon, H. (2017). 2017 Trends in Global Employee Engagement: Global anxiety erodes employee engagement gains. London. Aon Hewitt.

Armstrong, M. (2010). Armstrong‘s Essential Human Resource Management Practice. London, Kogan Page Limited.

Arti, C, Mita, M, Akanksha, M. and Vashwee, K. (2016). Employee Engagement: A Review Paper on Factors Affecting Employee Engagement. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(15), pp. 1-6. Available at www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/download/92145/68962  [Accessed on 10th November 2018].

Austin, O. & Taiwoo, O. (2014). Relevance of Skinner’s Theory of Reinforcement on Effective School Evaluaution and Management. European Journal of Psychological Studies. Vol.(4), № 4. ISSN: 2312-0363. [Online]. Available at <http://ejournal12.com/journals_n/1421062148.pdf>. [Accessed on 20th November 2018].

Dongho, K (2006). Employee Motivation: “Just Ask Your Employees”. Seoul Journal of Business. Vol 12, pp. 20-34. Available at <http://s-space.snu.ac.kr/bitstream/10371/1819/1/sjbv12n1_019.pdf>[Accessed on 18th November 2018].

Harvard Business Review (2013).The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance. A report by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services.

Jane, C (2012). The Development and Use of the Theory of ERG: A Literature Review. Emerging Leadership Journeys. Vol. 5 (1), pp. 2- 8 [Online]. Available at <https://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/elj/vol5iss1/ELJ_Vol5No1_Caulton_pp2-8.pdf > .[Accessed 20 November 2018].

Kirti, R. (2012). Effective Organizational Communication: a Key to Employee Motivation and Performance. Interscience Management Review (IMR). . Vol 2(2), ISSN: 2231-1513 [Online] Available at <https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d74f/ce848669ba68f7a8929a9ec1a108758a98b9.pdf>. [Accessed 19th November 2018].

Pratima, S. & Bhagirathi, N. (2016). Employee Engagement and Its Impact on Organizational Success - A Study in Manufacturing Company, India. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). Vol 18(4,1),  pp. 52-57. Available at <http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol18-issue4/Version-1/G1804015257.pdf

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Robinson, D., Perryman, S., & Hayday, S. (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement. Report 408. Institute for Employment Studies.


  1. Academic researchers have defined employee engagement as ‘the harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express them selves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances’ (Kahn 1990). Others have noted the centrality of ‘vigor’ in the idea of engagement – that is, feelings of strength and emotional energy in the workplace (Shirom 2003).

    1. Hi Ann, there are two types of engagement, job engagement and organization engagement (Agrawal, 2013). Harter et al., 2002 says that “employee satisfaction and engagement are related to meaningful business outcomes at a magnitude that is important to many organizations”.

  2. Hi Taniya,
    Adding on to your blog, Intrinsic motivation is associated with the concept
    of engagement. It is the positive feeling towards work rather than pay or recognition. (Macey et al (2009: 67). Following are the three steps that the managers could contemplate to improve Motivation (Pink, 2009):
    1 Autonomy – encourage people to establish their own goals and plans and focus/concentrate on getting work done not how it is done.
    2 Mastery – help people to identify the ways/steps they can take to improve help them to identify on their progress on the job.
    3 Purpose – when giving instructions explain the reason (why) and the way of process (how).

    1. Nidan, 2001 states, “Employee engagement shows the degree of how much an employee is involved, empowered, motivated and committed towards his job and organization. An engaged employee is aware of the business context, and works as a team member to improve performance of the job for the benefit of the organization. Engaged employees are concerned about the future of the organization and are willing to invest discretionary efforts for the organization”. Regarding motivation Furlich (2016) explain Motivation can lead to expanded job performance, in less time, which sum to efficiency. Thus, organizations could boost their productivity while decreasing expenses. The understanding of employee motivation can tremendously influence an organization.

  3. Hi Tania,

    Employee Engagement is the devotion, passion of employees and effective leadership skills with
    support from the top management to the employees. Human resource leaders set the drive and creed of their company and spread that positive morale to the employees in the company (Ambler,2007)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Dishan, leaders who motivate employees create trust through civility, honest communication, and concern towards a healthy workplace (Deskins, 2018).

  4. In most organisations around the world the proportion of employee engagement is minimum compared to not engagement and actively disengagement. For example, according to the recent research conducted in United Kingdom only 17% employees are engaged 57% are not engaged and 26% are actively disengaged (Allen, 2014,p.1)

    1. Hi Dishan, supportive leaders build a supportive environment that allow employees to try and to fail without fear of the consequences.

  5. According to Buckingham and Coffman (1999) the origin of the term ‘employee engagement’ still lingers elusively without definite answers though believed to be first used by Gallup organization in the 1990's. The term has been inter-changeably used with ‘worker engagement’ even though employee engagement is perceived to be more concerned with relationship relative to the organization whereas, worker engagement involves relationship with one’s work (Bordia et al, 2008).

    1. Sarangi & Nayak (2016) claims that employee engagement is a positive mindset held by the employee towards the organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of the business context. organizational success is depend 6C which are i) Clarity ii) Confidence iii) Convey iv) Connect v) Credibility and vi) career.

  6. Employee engagement can be considered as an important aspect as well as a factor of motivation in order to achieve high company performance (Kazimoto, 2016). Although there are ample amount of benefits of higher employee engagement, it also associates with some negative impact on their family life (Bolino & Turnley, 2005).

    1. Work life balance is essential for any employee. Having family balance is a major function and it would be a powerful leverage point for promoting an individual and employment effectiveness (Bhatnagar & Shankar, 2010).

  7. Chartered Management Institute 2015 defines Employee engagement as “a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are able at the same time to
    enhance their own sense of well-being.”

    1. Kahn (1990) explain engagement as “use varying degrees of their selves – physically, cognitively and emotionally in work role performances”.

  8. When employees are diverse, distributed and work in a matrixed environment, it can be daunting. However, keeping everyone working together and on the same page is important to engage employees in various Online employee engagement activities and company success.

  9. Engaged employees work effectively and efficiently for the organization And the technology adds more fun to the employee engagement and the team-building of the employees. As employees are virtually connected with each other through digital platforms. Driving online employee engagement activities could be one of the most important factors for the organizations

  10. Hey thanks for sharing a good article post in this blog. thanks for sharing it. you can visit here for Employee engagement consultant and manufacturing consultants india


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